hello from Rev. Tac

Tac-fully Thinking

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Lenten Season
ASH WEDENSDAY is the time we begin the season of Lent. Each year I challege others to think about how they can not only give up something, yet also give something that will benefit others. My favorite example is the giving of time. Perhaps you have a favorite weekly television program that you literally plan your life around. It is a must watch program that you believe you absolutely have to view. You understand what I'm saying about the importance of the program to you. Now for Lent you give it up and make that time you spend doing something for someone else. What you do could really vary a lot, so be creative.
      Perhaps you spend the time writing some thinking of you cards to the homebound or merely to some old friends you've lost contact with. A telephone conversation might be a way to touch someone's life. Baking a dessert or some treat you could share or give to someone to let them know more about your being a moral agent of God's love. A personal visit can be very touching in a lot of situations.
      This should begin to prime the pump of your creativeness. Just be cleaver and do what you would like to do - other than being selfish. OH did I say that? Exactly what Lent reminds us of how our Jesus gave up himself for us. No we don't think of ourselves as selfish, yet we admit that we could truly do more to share the love of God.
      For Lent 2010 I am focusing on something old and something new. No it is not a wedding, but it is about spending more time reading God's word and then allowing God's word to shape my words in order that I can help to build up others. Each day I will try to encourage and uplift each and every person I can speak to. For Lent it is not about me, but about building other's self esteem and encoraging them. Hopefully it does not stop at the end of the forty days of Lent.

--- revtac@aol.com is my email address and your comments are welcome.
10:16 am est

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Word From Rev Tac
Today I am writing my first ever blog and not even sure what a blog means.
1:08 pm est

Monday, February 15, 2010


Many of us can and do remember those times when our children could question us about everything. We especially recall them asking us why when we told them to do something particular. My bride accuses me today of over analyzing things and questioning what she tells me. Not that I don't believe her, rather so I can deeper understand the madness to her method. You know, what really makes her tick. As adults we sometimes think we have out grown our need to ask questions. Or we certainly don't want others to find out that we don't know everything. Why- might make them think we are not very intelligent, so we remain quiet even if we are still in the dark.

Transfiguration Sunday is one of those High Sunday of the Christian year. We recognize Jesus Glorified as the Son of God, whom God has Chosen, and God instructs us to listen to Jesus. The elements of the Transfiguration are told as if we understand exactly what is happening, where it is happening, and why it is happening. Perhaps giving you the permission to question scripture will encourage you to dig a little deeper for more meaning than what is merely on the surface.

Why a prayer meeting on the Mountain Top?

Why do only three of the disciples get to go on the retreat?

Why does Jesus' face and clothes show out?

Why do Moses and Elijah appear to discuss his upcoming events in Jerusalem?

Why does God bring a cloud over them?

What did God's voice sound like when he spoke from his hiding place behind the cloud?

Really and truly it is ok to question Scripture, God, Rev. Tac and others. It is not a childish thing, but rather an opportunity to learn more about God, the Bible, and why others believe what they believe. Go ahead and make a little Mountain Top time and find out what God has for you to learn. It could very well be what God needs you to be doing. Are you running from something? Forget it and make some time for God. Why? Why? Why? 

-- In Christ's Love and Mine,

2:33 pm est

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Call of the First Disciples

Luke 5: 1-11  

          GOT RELIGION? Exactly what happens to Simon (Peter) in this week's lesson? He went from a plain ordinary fisherman to one of Jesus' Disciples in Mach speed. Once he realizes who is in the boat with him he begins to beg Jesus to get away from him for he believes he is unworthy to be in his presence. WOW! Honestly, I'd bet most of us can relate to that statement. Actually there are not too many folks who make up their mind they are going to get religion. No it might be more the fact that Religion got them.

          Jesus was walking along the shoreline of the Sea of Gennesaret when a crowd of people came pushing in around him. Stepping into Simon's boat he ordered him to put out from the shore a little way, and there he sat teaching the people. Now I can see that as a cool pulpit, and also see how effective it was at getting Simon's attention. We have no clue what Jesus was teaching and believe me - all preachers would certainly love to know that lesson. Yes we would. Obviously it brought about a catch to remember. It was the day the fishermen took a fishing lesson from the Master.

         Jesus instructed the empty handed fishermen who had fished all night to cast their net into deep water. Simon grumbled with him but none the less, probably just an attempt to shut him up; the net went down in the deep water and became a catch to remember. Was it a miracle of great importance? You bet cha! Here Simon recognizes the power of Jesus and along with John and James the sons of Zebedee the catching of Disciples has now begun. It was there in his own boat that Simon Peter GOT RELIGION that day. Who would have thought that Jesus would meet people where they lived and called them into the ministry? Exactly what we are to be doing today is meeting people where they are in life and sharing the good news of the Gospel and the miracle of God's love with them. First we have to receive it ourselves and then we are off to share it with everyone else.   Amen? Amen! --  Revtac.

2:23 pm est

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