2011-12 Snack supper and Chaperone sign-up

Methodist Youth Fellowship

2012 Sunday Snack Suppers and Chaperone Sign-Up


Snack Supper @ 6:00

Thank you to all who have volunteered to help out!  If you need to change your date, please find a replacement or let Angela Bouknecht or the church office know as soon as possible.


  Sign up today using the form below or call Angela Bouknecht (706) 255-0260 or the church office to select a date to help out.

E-mail Angela at tomandangelab@yahoo.com



Youth Snack Suppers and Chaperone Sign-up 2012

Meals at 6:00 p.m. except note change on 2/12 at 5:00 p.m.


Harriet McCurley

Kay Young


Our Daily Bread


Betty Jo Cape
Mildred Burt


United Methodist Men


Submit the form below indicating your choice of date and whether you'll be providing a meal or will be a chaparone.  You may select more than one date or area in which to volunteer.

Contact information:
Your name:
 * required
Email address:
Select the date(s) and state whether you wish to serve supper or be a chaperone:
Best way to contact you:

Enter supporting content here