United Methodist Youth Fellowship

United Methodist Youth
Youth Director, Angela Bouknecht
Sunday School - Grades 6th - 12th
Gather for snacks from 9:45 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

Youth meetings Sunday Nights - 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm
5:30 to 6:00 free time and games
6:00 to 6:30 Supper will be provided. 
6:30 to 7:30 games and devotion in the Youth Room.

Wednesday night Group Meets - student led business meeting and hanging out. Jr. and senior High. 7:00 - 7:30 p.m. in the Youth Room.

2012 Sunday Snack Suppers and Chaperone Sign-up
Volunteers to provide a snack supper for the youth at 6:00 p.m. are needed.  The meals can be homemade light suppers to fast food brought in. 

The Safe Sanctuary rules mandate that at least 2 adults be available when the group meets and we are in need of additional chaperones. Please see Angela Bouknecht to offer your help.

Youth Group News

Upcoming events: Keep your eyes and ears open for a fundraiser this month.

2/3/13   9:45AM SS
              8:30 & 11:00 service will take up donations for "Souper Bowl Sunday".  Funds will go to help us fee "Our Daily Bread"
              5:30 PM Sunday afternoon WUMY
              Supper & Chaperones:  *** OPEN*** please see me if you can help

2/6/13   7:00PM Youth Chill & Bible Study

2/10/13  9:45AM SS
               5:00PM Fusion ***note time change***
               Supper & Chaperones: UMM
2/13/13  7:00PM Ash Wednesday Service

2/17/13  9:45AM SS
               5:30PM Sunday afternoon WUMY
               Supper & Chaperones: Shannon & Scott Simpson

2/20/13  7:00 PM Youth Chill & Bible Study

2/24/13  9:45AM SS
               5:30PM Sunday afternoon WUMY
               Supper & Chaperones: Betsy & Chris Cannon

2/27/13  7:00PM  Youth Chill & Bible Study

A Look into March:
3/13/13 5:00PM Sunday afternoon WUMY
              7:00PM Parents Meeting
              Supper Chaperones: ***OPEN*** please see me if you can help

Youth Ministries & Opportunities

  • Retreats
  • Mission Projects
  • Camp
  • Mentoring