united methodist men

united methodist men
Facilitator, Johnny White
Email: jwhite@wintervilleumc.org
Men of all ages are invited to be a part of this growing group that meets the first Saturday of every month at 7:30 a.m.  There will be a devotional or Bible study and business meeting.

Upcoming Events

Saturday, September 1st
Country Breakfast & Meeting @ 7:30 a.m.
Come prepared to tidy up the church grounds and collect the litter down Main Street.  All men are welcome.
September 28th - 30th  Rock Eagle Men's Retreat

Tool Box Ministry
A Tool Box Ministry for anyone needing a small job done around the house, please call the church office at 706-742-2445.
Men's Group Opportunities
  • Prayer
  • Bible Study
  • Fellowship
  • Retreat
  • Mission Project
  • Fish Fry