
Children's Director
Carol Hodges

Education Team
Terry Seagraves, Chair
Shari Iski

Vacation Bible School
Rhonda Bray, Director


Games, Music, Crafts, Service Projects, Fun!!
Meet Wednesdays after the Fellowship Supper from 6:45-7:30 p.m.


We have accomplished many things in January.   We have knocked out the wall in the Faith Kidz room connecting to the Carpenter's Shop.  The Faith Kidz would like to give a huge THANK YOU to the people who helped knock out the wall.  We can't wait to be spread out and not be on top of each other in the Faith Kidz room  Several nights we've been hanging out in the hallway because there wasn't enough room for all of us.  So, we really appreciate all the people who gave up their Saturday to come help us.

We are going to go to the Fernbank Museum in Atlanta in February.

We helped the soldiers in the Air Force by sending them coffee mugs, chapstick, baby wipes, snacks, etc.  We've gotten several e-mails from them through Mrs. Katy and they said everybody really appreciated everything that was sent, especially the prayers.  Thank you to everyone who donated things to send to the people serving in the Air Force to defend our country.  This is going to be our ongoing mission this year.  We will continue to send care packages throughout the year.  The red bin will remain in the Fellowship Hall to put donation in.
Thank you,
John Mark Jones

Faith Kidz On-Going Mission...

Miss Katy's brother-in-law, Patrick Shirley, is deploying to Afghanistan with the USAF for a period of 6-18 months. The Faith Kidz have decided to start an on-going mission to send letters, cards, and care packages to Patrick and his unit to remind them of home and to encourage them while they are away from their families serving our country.

From Airman Msgt Patrick Shirley via email to Katy Manley:

"The unit LOVED everything we sent. Our sponsored Airman, Msgt Patrick Shirley put the hot hands, coffee mugs, snacks, and Chapstick on the "community" table and when he went back by a couple of hours later the guys (& girls) had all grabbed what they needed. The temperatures at night have been around -5 degrees, so anything that helps keep them warm is fantastic!

He said they were all extemely grateful for our thoughtfulness and wanted us to know how much it means to him that we're thinking of and praying for them. Nothing we send will go to waste and every single thing is much appreciated."

Suggestions for Donations:

-powdered drink mixes for water - chap stick
-notepads & envelopes - hot cocoa, tea bags, coffee bags
-hard candy - ground coffee
-thumb tacks - Q-tips, deodorant (not gel)
-playing cards - nuts, sunflower seeds, pretzles,etc.
-hand & foot warmers - coffee mugs/travel mugs
-books, comic books, magazines - crossword puzzles
-disposable cameras - small reading lamps/book lights
-baby wipes - electric blankets
-hand-written cards and letters - toothpaste & dental floss
-beef jerky, applesauce, trail mix, etc. - gift cards
-phone cards - thick boot socks
-Google Play Cards (available at Kroger) - Pop-Tarts
-travel size games - fleece blankets
-movies on DVD - Gold Bond powder
-Pringles, crackers, pretzels - tea bags
-black and blue pens - caribiners

Please be in prayer for the unit we’re sponsoring:
Patrick Shirley, Donny Hale, Lee Cason, Tyler Davis, Steve Griggs, Steve Denton
and their children, spouses, parents, friends and loved ones.

We would like to send regular care packages and letters to let Patrick and his unit
know we are thinking of and praying for them. Anyone who would like to write cards, letters, or donate items please see Katy Manley or Carol Hodges.

Thank you!
The Faith Kidz