about us


Winterville United Methodist Church, GAAt Winterville United Methodist Church, we strive to be an authentic, loving people who seek to make disciples of Jesus Christ by loving God and loving others.

We live out this mission by serving persons of various ages, race and economic status both inside and outside the church through a variety of programs, outreach events and fellowship opportunities.
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Milestones in the History of the Winterville United Methodist Church
1867 - 2009

 The Winterville Methodist Church began existence when in 1859, 2 1/4 acres of land, more or less, was given by Sara Pittard "for and in consideration of the love she bears for the cause of Christ, and an earnest desire to promote His Heritage here on earth.   The deed is recorded in Book U of deeds pp. 264 and 265 in the office of the clerk of the Superior Court of Oglethrope County, Georgia.  The deed, dated the 20th day of July, 1859, signed and delivered by Mrs. Sara Pittard, the beloved grandmother of the church's most loyal friend and supporter, Mr. J.T. Pittard.

It is expressly stipulated in the deed, and the donation of the land was made on the condition, that the trustees and their successors shall erect and build or cause to build thereon a house of worship.  This place is to be used as a preaching place by ministers of all orthodox denominations of Christians now known in the country, with the privilege given only to denominations of Christians known as Methodist Episcopal Church, South to form a society at said place of worship.

The original trustees of the Winterville Methodist Church to whom the deed was made were John C. Winter, Charles Tresler, Isham H. Pittard, Dedrick H. Winter, and William T. Tucker.

Through the effort of local preacher Reverend Isaac King, the church was organized and a building was erected.  It became a part of the Lexington Circuit about the year 1867 about a year before a new Oglethorpe County post office had been given the name Winterville.

In the year 1868 or 1869, the Winterville Circuit was formed along with the Glade, Mount Pleasant and Cherokee Corner.  Among those who worked in the early church were Henry Crawford, John C. Johnson and Ellison R. Stone.  The first resident pastor was Reverend W.D. Heath (1871 - 1872).

In 1871 a Circuit parsonage was built, which is now 194 South Main Street.

During the pastorate of Reverend L.P. Rivers (1887-1889) the church building, which faced the railroad bed, became inadequate to met the growth and needs of the congregation.  The building was sold to Mr. J.T. Pittard and was used as a warehouse and auditorium for the town.  A new church building was erected in 1887 at an original cost of $1800.00.  Later $350.00 was spent on pews and Sunday School rooms.  Also a heating plant was added at a cost of $1500.00.

The present sanctuary structure was completed in May 1921 and dedicated by Bishop Warren Akin Candler, June 21, 1921.  The building, furnishings and equipment cost $25,000.

In the year 1954 a new parsonage was constructed at 215 North Georgia and Church Streets at a cost of $18,000.  The parsonage building committee consisted of Mr. G.C. Pittard, Sr., Mr. J.R. Dawson, Mr. Dan Bramlett, Mr. Harvey Duncan and Mr. C.J. Slay, Sr.  The old parsonage at the corner of Hardeman Road and Main Street was sold to H. S. Chambers for approximately $4,000.00.

An Educational Annex was constructed on the south side of the building during the year 1963 at a cost of approximately $42,000.  The building committee for this addition consisted of Mr. Hoyt Carney, Mr. G.C. Pittard, Jr., Mrs. Virginia Harrold, Mrs. Helen Willliams, Mr. Paul Kea and Mr. C.J. Slay, Sr. Also the choir loft was remodeled at this time.

During 1970, the Sanctuary was painted, the altar and side tables purchased and carpeting installed.  In 1973 overdue attention was given to the fellowhip hall and outside of the building, both of which received paint.

On July 15, 1974 the last check was drawn to cover the note on the Educational Annex.  This note had been paid off well ahead of schedule because of the liberality and dedications of members.  On August 25, Bishop William R. Cannon dedicated the annex.

During 1975 and 1976, a variety of improvements were made to the chuech.  In November, 1975, Warren and Edna Bullock purchased and donated an Allen electronic organ for use in the sanctuary.

Early in 1976, a group of church members purchased and paid for the installation of the Chandeliers in the Sanctuary.  On Christmas Sunday, 1975, Show Chandler, executrix for the late Margaret Gaines presented the church with a check for $70,000.  During the year, several major improvements were made including:

  • The paving of the parking lot.
  • The renovation of the Fellowship Hall and Kitchen.
  • The creation of a ramp to provide entry for persons physically challenged.
  • The rebuilding of the front steps and replacement of damaged brickwork.
  • A beautiful grand piano for the sanctuary.
  • Painting and carpet for several rooms in the educational building.
  • The purchase of a 15 passenger Dodge maxi-van.
  • Along with some needed improvement at the parsonage.

On Sunday October 17th, a plaque was presented recalling the gift given in memory of her grandparents John and Margaret Winter, by "Miss Margaret."  The unspent portion of the gift, $33,000, was deposited in savings.

During 1979, the outside of the church, the sanctuary and inside hall of the annex was painted and a new Sound Systen was installed.  The Annex and Fellowship Hall was air-conditioned.  New carpet was installed in the choir loft.  Several of our church family purchased and installed the stained glass window in the sanctuary.

In 1984, Methodist Youth Fellowship "Logos" performed a one-act play written by Grady C. Pittard in celebration the the 125th anniversary of the founding of the church.

Sometime in the 1990's the Fellowship Hall was renovated and a door to the exterior was installed.

A new brick church sign at was built in 2001 at street level in the railroad bed.

The Sanctuary was remodeled in 2002 with new pew cushions, carpet and sound system.

In 2003, the Sunday School program began the rotation model, which coincided with the remodeling of the education wing and Sunday School classrooms.

The Nursery was renovated in 2004 and included adding door access to the playground; renovating and expanding the playground; adding handicap access to the first floor; acquired a bus and a new organ.

Additional renovations:

  • Railroad bed was filled in necessitating the removal of the road sign - 2006
  • New floor installed in the Administrative Wing hall - 2006
  • Fourteen new road signs were purchased and replaced throughout the community - 2006
  • Sound Room built in sanctuary, 2006-2007
  • A stage was built in the Fellowship Hall in 2007 by the choir.
  • Parsonage: New floors and kitchen cabinets as well as other maintenance repairs were made - 2008
  • Banquet Hall:  Painted, new carpet, new tables and chairs; a grand piano is donated and put in the Banquet Hall - 2008
  • Youth Director Office: painted and floor refinished - 2008
  • Kitchen:  Painted, some new cabinets installed and minor renovation of layout, ice machine moved and enclosed into the exterior kitchen exit.
  • New road sign installed - 2009
  • The kitchen was remodeled in 2010.
  • Rev. Tac's office is remodeled in 2011.

Winterville UMC Clergy

WUMC Clergy