calendar & announcements




27 - Memorial Day, church office closed.


1 - UM Men, at 7:30 a.m.  Trash pick up to follow.
2 - Mr. Doug Griffin will bring the message.
2 - Banquet Hall reserved, 1-5 p.m.
4 - Women in Action, 7 p.m.
10 -Safe Sanctuary Policy Making Meeting, 6 p.m. in the conference room.
11-12 - "Bridges to Mission @ the Classic Center.  Our 2013 Annual Conference offering will support an International Connections to Methodism in El Salvado, Bahamas, Russia, Portugal, Philippines and Africa.


A designated fund has been started to help rebuild Oconee St. UMC (Our Daily Bread).  For those that would like to make a donation, please make it to WUMC and mark it Oconee St. Fire.

We are now able to record the church service, starting next week.  If you would like a cd of the service, please contact the church office.  We are also able to listen to the church service in other areas of the church by tuning a radio to 97.3 FM.

The Nursery and Children’s Church Sign-up sheet is posted by the hall calendar for those that would like to sign up -February-May, 2013
Acolytes and Bible Carriers Needed – signup sheet to be passed around Sunday.
Save and bring your unused coupons to our Coupon Clipping for a Cause.

Project Linus - Please bring completed blankets to Sonja Peterson in the Nursery.

Youth Counselors are needed - Sign up sheet is in the Admin hall and banquet hall.

Food Bank - canned food and non-perishables are needed.  They can be placed in the blue bucket in the banquet hall.

The Vine Sunday Morning Faith Group - Rev Tac invites "Newcomer*" adults 21 and older to join us for Sunday School.  Meet at 9:45 a.m. in the banquet hall and welcomes you if you are currently not attending a class.  For more details, contact Rev. Tac @ 706-224-0775

*Note:  Newcomers include attendees to our church during the past 3 - 5 years.

Substitute cooks for Wednesday Night Suppers.  From time to time one of our regular cooks cannot help on their designated night.  We need people we can call to fill in.  Man or Woman.  If you are available and would like to participate, please call Kristy @ 706-742-2445.

Sunday School Teachers Needed for our children's classes.

The 2009-2012 Guidelines for all the ministries are available in the church office.

Grounds Keeper Volunteers needed.  Please contact Greg Williamson or add yourself and your team of friends on the schedule in the Administrative Hall.

Children's Church volunteers are needed for rotation.  Please contact the church office.

The Youth need volunteers to provide a snack supper on Sunday evenings.  The sign-up sheet can be found in the Administrative Hall on the Sign-up board or sign up online.

Check out the yearly calendar and the bulletin boards in the Administrative Hall.  Please help the staff keep them accurate by calling in or stopping by with updates.  Also, the minutes of some of the meetings are posted along with other needed information.  All sign up sheets are there also.

Newsletter Articles are due by the 3rd Monday of each Month.

Reminder: Neighborhood Welcome Watch Program packets are available to give to new families moving into your neighborhoods.  Keep one in your car.  Take one to work and give to a co-worker.  Let's use 'em!  There are a few hanging on the coat hook outside the church office.

Cookbooks are on Sale and are $10.00 each and benefit UMW mission projects.  Just put the money or a check in the offering plate and mark it for "UMW Cookbook" or give to Kristy.

A Tape Ministry has been started at the church.  If you would like to check out any of the tapes of the worship service, please call the church office at 706.742.2445.

T.O.P.S. meet every Monday evening at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall

Tool Box Ministry
The Men's Group has a Tool Box Ministry for anyone needing a small job done around the house that you need help in completing.  Please call the church office at 742-2445.

Reminder:  Please completely turn off cell phones and pagers during the worship service as they tend to interfere with our sound system.

Recycling Fundraiser.  Save your discarded cell phones, inkjet cartridges, and now also laserjet and toner cartridges.  Please bring them to the church office.

Prayer Chain
- Anyone interested in becoming connected to our church prayer chain by email, please call the church office at 706-742-2445 or email us at with your email address.  We will also notify our church community about emergencies and deaths in our church family.

Winterville T-shirts Available for Purchase
-  $10.00 each.  Proceeds benefit our youth mission projects.  Color: Gray, Sizes: 2X to 3X.

Sanctuary Flowers.  If you would like to place flowers in the sanctuary for a particular Sunday morning, please sign up on the flower calendar located in the education wing hallway.  We must have your reservation at least one week in advance of your desired Sunday, and, unless other arrangements are made, please give a check to the church in the amount of $40.00 for each Sunday you reserve.  Call the church office to place your order 706.742.7411.

Holy Communion Sundays
we accept donations that support our "Love Your Neighbor" fund.