food services
Coordinator, Henrietta Tucker

Wednesday Night Suppers have been a very successful family oriented evening of delicious food, devotion, ministry, and entertainment.  We welcome everyone to join us at 6:30 every Wednesday evening!

The Kitchen Committee consists of four groups of four people each - one group per Wednesday night.  We have three alternates from which to choose when needed.  The Chairperson is responsible for keeping on hand a supply of plates, cups, utensils, etc for kitchen use.

The cost is $4.00 for adults and Free for children 12 and under. 

Please make a new reservation, whether it be for one night, or as a standing reservation.  The forms will appear in the bulletin on Sunday.  It is very important that reservations for supper be made by Monday before 3 pm.  This is so the person buying the supplies, usually on Tuesday, knows how many to prepare for.

There will be NO TAKEOUTS, except in case of illness at the last minute.  These meals are prepared for fellowship at church -- not as a convenience. 

Wednesday Supper Summer Schedule: Last Supper on May 30th, Picnic at Wesley Whitehead Park.  Softball game, fun, relaxation, food!
Supper resume in the Fall.

Food Service Opportunities
  • Sunday Morning Coffee Crew
  • Wednesday Night Suppers
  • Covered Dish meals
  • Special Events