what our worship services are like

Worship Facilitator, Angela Bouknecht
E-mail: SColey@WintervilleUMC.org

We currently offer two times for worship on Sunday morning, 8:30 AM and 11 AM.  The 8:30 AM service is casual and contemporary in style while the 11 AM service is more traditional in style.  You can expect to see people of all ages at both services.  We meet in the sanctuary for worship and downstairs in the banquet hall for the 8:30 am Table Worship and for special gatherings.  Building maps

The sermon messages on Sunday morning are relevant to life today.  They come straight from the Bible.  You won't need to walk away from our church service not understanding what the message was all about.  The teachings of the Bible are explained in a way that you will find helpful in your efforts to be pleasing to God.

There's no need to feel nervous about what to wear...wear what you want.  If you are more comfortable in casual attire, then wear jeans!  If you prefer a shirt and tie, then wear a suit!  The idea is to feel comfortable as you enjoy the service.

Our visitors are not expected to contribute to our weekly collection until such time as you feel you wish to become an active participant in the programs of our church.

While visiting on our Communion Sundays, you may partake if you like, or if you'd rather not, that's OK, too.

A time of prayer allows us to offer our praises and requests to God for comfort, for healing, for our country and its leadership, and unspoken requests.

The music is both contemporary and traditional. We have a traditional choir, vocalists, and worship teams and use both instruments and CD's for our music.  We encourage people to sing along and to worship in a way that makes you most comfortable.  Sit when you want to sit. Stand when you want to stand.  And raise your hands if the Spirit moves you!

Anyone who wishes to become a member may go up to the altar during the last verse of the hymn where the pastor will meet them.  A simple ceremony will take place welcoming the person into the membership.

Worship Ministry Opportunities

  •       Services of praise & worship
  •       Concerts
  •       Easter production
  •       Christmas production
  •       Choir (11AM services)
  •       Biblical teaching
  •       Band
  •       Drama
  •       Special Events
  •       Preaching
  •       Acolytes