
united methodist women
Facilitator, Delores Wages
Evening Fellowship of the UMW meet on the third Tuesday evening of every month for a time of devotions, general business discussions, mission projects, fun activities, and refreshments. All ladies of the church are invited to participate.
United Methodist Women will host the District Mini Mission Education Event on September 15, 2012 at 9:00 AM. in our Banquet Hall. Breakfast will be served at 9:00 AM and the meeting will begin at 10:00 AM. It should be over by noon.
There will be a District Executive Committee meeting following the program. Final plans will be made at our August meeting on August 21, 2012. All members
please make note of this date.

Also the United Methodist Women would like to thank those that purchased a Chrismon for our tree in honor and memory of a loved one. We had about one dozen orders and you can look forward to seeing them on the tree during the Lent Season. We will continue to use the Chrismons that we have. Thank You from the UMW.

On July 31, 2012 the UMW served lunch at Our Daily Bread at Oconee Street Methodist Church.  Thank you to Joyce Brodnax our Coordinator and those volunteers that helped her.

Also the UMW will serve a snack supper to the Youth on Sunday night September 30, 2012. The United Methodist Women will also have their annual Yard Sale on November 3rd. Save your things for this, if you need something picked up call the church office with information and we will collect.

A big thank you to everyone that brought food for the Athens Elberton Day of Mission. Hand in Hand, Shoulder to Shoulder we did our Work Day Food Drive well. A special thank you to those United Methodist Women that stepped up to the plate and helped make the food drive a success. The truck came from the Food Bank on Saturday AM August 4th. Eight people were in the Banquet Hall to greet them and help load the food. We also had nine people go on the church bus to the Worship Service at the Classic Center in Athens on Sunday night August 5, 2012, for a very motivating time of worship. It is great to have the bus running and in good condition now and thanks to Terrie Seagraves for driving us. Nothing is impossible with God and when everyone does their part we can do great things here @ Winterville UMC.

Thank You,
Delores Wages
President United Methodist Women

Next Meeting - Tuesday, September 18th @ 7:00 p.m.  All ladies of the church are invited.
Saturday, November 3rd -  A Church-Wide Yard Sale is scheduled for Saturday, November 3rd, hosted by the UMW.

Group Opportunities
  • Our Daily Bread
  • Mission Projects
  • Devotional Lessons
  • Book Reading
  • Prayer 
  • Fun activities
  • Refreshments