hello from Rev. Tac

Tac-fully Thinking

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Monday, February 27, 2012

Mark 1:9-15 In The Wilderness

   Three events for Jesus in only a few verses as Mark gets Jesus through the Wilderness and into the lives of people. From the Theophany of God's words of approval at the Baptism out into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan. Then he claims Now Is The Time. God is near and the Kingdom of God is at hand. Then Jesus began to spread the GOOD NEWS. Grace is sufficient and Jesus has taken all our sins to the cross for us. 

    Lent is a time of preparation to clear our minds and clean our hearts. Make yourself ready to celebrate the Saving Grace of Christ Jesus our Lord. 

    We do not enjoy lent, but all that is to follow is eternal salvation through Christ's Resurrection. Amen.

2:25 pm est

Monday, February 20, 2012

Mark 9:2-9 Spiritual Highs
What really stirs your soul? Do you know what makes your spirit soar? When Jesus invites you to go up on the Mountain Top to experience God's glory I am assured that you would be excited to get to go. We know there is nothing like seeing the love of Christ in action. I'm seeing God's glory in what you're doing here.    

Thank goodness Geico has retired those Cavemen and what a great replacement. We enjoy this little Piggy who goes WEE WEE WEE all the way home. It's the excitement of being on a journey to the mountain top with Jesus. Yes - we are overcome with the enthusiasm that our FAITH KIDS and UMYF, along with all their leaders are bringing into this FAITH COMMUNITY. To God be the glory.   

Let me praise those with the vision(s) who not only see the need, but bend their backs to make sure our young people receive the attention they deserve. Whoever had the forethought to prepare our children some kid friendly foods for Wednesday night fellowship let me give you an at-a-girl and/or at-a-boy. After a long dry spell we again have the sound of children in our midst. Like Jesus we must continue to put them first in our faith community.     

Oh I love ‘em and let me praise those who are so dedicated to using their talents to make sure our children and youth learn more about their faith journeys - and have a lot of fun  while doing it.

Folks don't sleep through this Transfiguration time or you will be wondering what happen. Pull your heads out of the sand and do all you can to uplift this church with your prayers, presence, talents, gifts, and witness. The time is now and our young people are not the church of the future: they are the church of today. The Transfiguration is where we are able to see the Glory of God shinning the light of God's love. Simply open your eyes and ask God where and how can I assist in this transformation. Amen.
Rev. Tac
3:47 pm est

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sixth Week of Epiphany Mark 1:4-45 Good News not Gossip
Mark's gospel is not only known for its action, but is also called The Messianic Secret. Frequently Jesus heals someone and then sternly warns them to not tell anyone. However, we know what happens when Jesus touches our lives and the burdens that we are carrying are lifted making us free to serve God. As we are amazed with God's love it is impossible to not share it with others. People love to share the Good News and that is exactly what happens in our lesson of Jesus touching the Leper who is made clean.

     Fortunately most of us have no real understanding of what the Leper's experience had been. Yet we have met Jesus in a loving, compassionate, caring way that makes us want to testify to the Love of God that fills our lives. It is called witness and our UM Vows now include the question that we will witness to the fact that we are God's children who are willing to faithfully serve God as we serve God's church with our presence, talents, gifts, prayers and witness. Jesus crossed all boundaries that we might receive God's redeeming love. Now that's worth shouting about - Amen? Amen!
1:24 pm est

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