hello from Rev. Tac

Tac-fully Thinking

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

John 12: 20-33 Was it Thunder?

     Six days before Passover and Millions of People making their pilgrimage to the Holy City, Jerusalem. Some Greeks had come to Bethany where Jesus was being hosted by Lazarus and his sisters Mary and Martha. They wished to see Jesus and probably Lazarus too. The good news about them had really spread all around and crowds were pushing to meet the Nazarene who was casting out demons, healing the sick and even bringing people back from the dead.

     Along with Andrew they went to Jesus who told them a parable about a grain of wheat that must die so that more fruit would be produced. He was talking about himself. Then God spoke to them about the time had come to be glorified, but they dismissed it as thunder or perhaps Angels were speaking to Jesus. He told that it was said for their sake not His.

     Sadly we sometimes also fail to listen to God. We think that God can't use us or that we're insignificant. Not true and God needs us to make time, listen, and understand how we can produce fruit in the Kingdom. Holy Habits lead to rewarding joy filled lives. Have you heard from God - lately? Make a place and some time to listen and understand God's call upon your life. Amen  

11:15 am est

Monday, March 19, 2012

John 3: (1-13) 14-22 To Believe In The Name
From Nicodemus we find that John sets up 3:16 to be the answer or a Sign for the entire world to come to believe in the name of Jesus. To believe in Jesus is the beginning of a life long journey where each of us grows in spiritual maturity. From the dark into the light is a metaphor that is used to describe good and evil. The term can also be understood as enlightenment. This is where one comes to knowledge or understanding. Our Wesleyan theology teaches us the means of grace.

First is prevenient grace that has gone before us and was always there. Second is Justifying grace where we come to acknowledge it's presence in our lives. We accept the Spirit of God nudging us to follow and serve as we strive on toward perfection. Third is Sanctifying Grace where only when we finish this course in faith then will we be able to be made perfect in the presence of Christ forever. 

     Knowing the entire story of God's love for us rather than a single verse is most important. However John 3:16 is a golden verse to memorize, which most of us has. More important is to live our daily lives where others come to the knowledge of the saving grace of Christ Jesus our Lord. Lent is a time where we can self examine and remove that which prevents others from seeing the love of Christ living in us.
4:38 pm est

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

John 2 I'll Raise It Up

Jesus moves to the Temple with a message that the Church is not to be a Market Place for the world. Jesus upsets the moneychangers and claims they can destroy the Temple and in 3 Days he will raise it back up. They think of the physical building while Jesus is speaking of himself. Later after his resurrection the Disciples remember what he had said. We too know that Christ can tear down and rebuild our lives as well. Lent is the time to make right our hearts for God.                     

9:30 am est

Monday, March 5, 2012

Setting Your Mind - Mark 8:31-37

Peter's honesty and quick response must be admired, along with his do something reaction. I once heard a football player saying the coach yelled out "do something even if it is wrong." Peter proves that he can not simply stand there while Jesus explains the plight of how he will eventually be put to death. 

Mark clearly lays out what happens to Jesus. We read it in future tense; however Mark was writing after the fact and knew what happened. We also know the story, yet do we deeply respond to what Jesus has endured for each of us?

Although we react to follow Christ with our cross, overtime we are gradually distracted. It is like a frog in a pot of water which is slowly being brought to a boil. Because it is so gradual we don't realize the trouble we're in. 

Lent is a season of self-denial. This is the time for us to examine ourselves. Have we allowed worldly things to prevent us from being who God has called and equipped us to be? We know when we are meeting our God given purpose.

Our lives are filled with Joy and the satisfaction of living with Jesus is incredible. See Peter reacts quickly and his response find s him being rebuked by Jesus. Yes, like Peter when we choose to follow Jesus, we must get behind him, so that He can lead. Now we should go and do the same - amen.

4:50 pm est

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