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Tac-fully Thinking

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Monday, April 30, 2012

John 10: 11-18 One Flock - One Shepherd

         John reveals Jesus to us again. Both as a Shepherd and also as a Lamb. Several folks have recently ask about the tall candle that adorns our Altar Area. That is a Paschal Candle, which represents a symbolic reminder of the PAIN Jesus endured and the Sacrifice He made for us. Today we recognize the literary genius of the writer of the gospel of John. In the very same lesson we see Jesus as a good Shepherd who is willing to lay down his life for us and simultaneously we are reminded that he could do that because he literally had the authority/power to not only lay it down, but to also raise it up.


      An astonishing revelation of John showing us Jesus the Christ/Messiah who claims to be the ONE TRUE SHEPHERD or the ONE FLOCK. Amazingly as Easter people we now realize that Jesus has given himself for us. As sinners we have been given a clean slate by the Grace of God's love for us. We ourselves are unable to avoid falling short, so God continues to pour out Grace upon us. Hallelujah, what a Savior we have in Jesus Christ - Amen.

1:34 pm est

Thursday, April 26, 2012

12:34 pm est

Forgiveness Mark 14:61b-64

Again the high priest asked him, “Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One?” Jesus said, “I am; and ‘you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the Power’, and ‘coming with the clouds of heaven.’” Then the high priest tore his clothes and said, “Why do we still need witnesses? You have heard his blasphemy! What is your decision?” All of them condemned him as deserving death.

The charge is blasphemy – But his chief offense was forgiving sins. Indeed, this was the first time he was charged with blasphemy. He had just healed a man of paralysis after four of his friends lowered him down to Jesus through the roof. After healing him, Jesus told him that his sins were forgiven. It caused an uproar: “Why does this fellow speak this way? It is blasphemy! Who can forgive sins but God alone?” Why is offering forgiveness such an offense? Because forgiveness implies guilt. There is no better way, in fact, to challenge the status quo than by forgiving its keepers, thereby implying that they need forgiveness and that the status quo they protect is bankrupt and needs redemption. And so because Jesus’ words and deeds challenged the reigning assumptions about God and about the present ordering of the world he was charged with blasphemy.

Yes, we all need redemption and yes, my brothers and sisters we are all guilty, so forgiveness we must receive. Jesus was guilty to his accusers of being God. Their problem was they knew not the God of love that we know today. Forgiveness is only ask for by those who admit being guilty. As we pass through the Cross of Christ we are redeemed by His action of overcoming both our sin and death. Victoriously our Jesus is guilty of taking on the sins of the world. This Easter we will again celebrate the Risen Christ that is alive and well. Let us live as Easter people, free from sin as we journey on to an eternal reward. He is Risen, He is Risen, praise God Almighty He is Risen Indeed.

Rev. Tac Coley

12:33 pm est

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Open Minds Luke 24: 36-49
     Jesus opens the minds of the disciples to understand the scriptures that he came to fulfill. The post

resurrection appearances of Jesus are difficult to understand. He proves not to be a ghost, rather flesh and bone that eats a piece of fish.

     He tells them to believe and witness how much he did for them. With the power of the Holy Spirit we too must live our lives as witnesses of a God that loves us, forgives us, and provides us with eternal life. Easter celebrates that life goes beyond the grave. Live as a witness each day so others may experience God's love for each of us.

Next Week: John 10:11-18, "One Flock--One Shepherd"

9:40 am est

Monday, April 2, 2012

Week Six of Lent Palm / Passion Sunday Mark 14:12-16 Final Preparations

          Palm Sunday is a day to remember Jesus' triumphant entry into the Holy City, Jerusalem. Crowds of people lined the street as the Donkey Colt paraded into the city with Jesus upon its back. Hosanna, Hosanna to the King was shouted by those who were also laying palm branches and even their cloaks to pave the way. It was like an extravagant red carpet treatment for Jesus.      

          For us this is the beginning of Holy Week. A time where we return to the scriptures to read again the Gospel's recording of what Jesus endured during the last week of his life. Reflecting on the week's events will help us to understand more the grand celebration of Easter. Looking at how Jesus was able to give his disciples explicit directions about where, what, when, and how things were going to play out proves to us that Jesus made final preparations. He obviously had a lot of connections with folks. Recall the colt that was to be untied and the disciples were to simply tell those who would question their taking the animal, by simply stating the Lord needs it. Again today we hear Jesus instruct two disciples to go into the city and a man with a water jar will meet you and take you to a house, where the owner will show you the furnished upper room where you will prepare the final meal.      

          Those were not accidental happenings. Jesus made the connections, which put things in place. However those disciples had to be obedient in following Jesus' instructions and going where they were sent, and when they were sent. At the last supper we recall Jesus telling them that one of them who had dipped their bread in the bowl with him would betray him, and before the cock crows twice one would  deny him three times. Immediately they claim "no not I, I would never deny you my Lord", said Peter. Then after the meal and they sung a hymn and went out to the Mount Olives where he then told them that they would all become deserters - and they did. Yet his love for them did not change and he endured all their sins on the cross. It was three days later that he was resurrected from the grave and returned to their presence to finish the task of proving God's love for us.      

          We are guilty, just like those disciples we too have fallen short of God's glory. Yet, God's love for us is even stronger now because we know how much God is willing to endure. Jesus paid the price that we might follow him and proclaim the good news - while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Hosanna, Hosanna - save me Lord, Amen.      

2:35 pm est

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