hello from Rev. Tac

Tac-fully Thinking

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Pentecost Sunday John 15:26-27 Acts 2: 1-21

Receiving the Power from on High -- The Holy Spirit of God happened on that day and the Christian Church was born. Happy Birthday Church as we celebrate the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit allows us to testify, encourages us to witness and share the Love of God through the gift of God's Saving Grace. Jesus walked the Earth to show us the example of God's perfect love. The good news or Gospel of Jesus teaches us how to live out our journey of Christian Discipleship. It is the power of the Holy Spirit that lifts us up to become the Christian Ministers that God needs us all to be. Go out and reflect the light of God's love in the world where you live each and everyday. Amen. Amen.


       The Advocate, the Holy Spirit came and set their hearts on fire and my prayer today is that same Spirit will return and DO IT AGAIN, LORD, yes Do It Again. Come on and unite us we pray that as we work together we will be your hands and feet. Lord we are willing to turn toward you (repent) in order that we can reflect the light of Your Love into the world of darkness. Please God, Do it again with us. Amen.

3:23 pm est

Monday, May 21, 2012

Acts 1: 1-11 Is It Time?
Make God time a Holy Habit in your life. Read scripture to hear the Word of God and understand God's relation with others as well as yourself.

Seek guidance from someone you really trust that has good life experience and can take your best interest to heart. Share with them openly and honestly about decisions you are contemplating and let them assist and affirm your decision.

Return to prayer and listen to hear that God is opening a door for you. When God opens the door it will be the right door. Prayer changes things, typically the one who prays.

Now - only you can turn your opportunity into a success. God can open doors and fill you with the courage of God's peace, but you must do the work that will make things great.

Last you must know it is OK to make a mistake as long as you learn from it. Take responsibility and do your best. God fills us with the power of the Holy Spirit and supplies both the opportunity and the courage that we may utilize our God-given talents. Go now and seek God in all you say and all you do. Thank God for the success you achieve and give God all the glory and praise. Amen
4:40 pm est

Monday, May 14, 2012

John 15:9-17 Friends With Jesus

       John tells us that Jesus chooses to call his Disciples, Friends, rather than servants. His claim is that a servant does not know what the Master is doing. The disciples have been told absolutely every thing that God has revealed to Jesus. Then he commands them to, "Love one another as I have loved you." Next he tells them to go into the world producing fruit that will last. This is Jesus' mission, which he not only exemplifies, he also recruits a band of followers to carry out his mission after he has ascended.


     We can now see that Jesus is setting things up for the time, where he will no longer physically be present. A time where the Advocate or the Holy Spirit of God will encourage all the followers to be in mission together. As we end the Easter season with the day of Ascension, we're also looking forward into the festival of Pentecost that is soon to come. But first is Jesus giving his commandment to "love one another as I have loved you."


     This is a great message for us here on Mother's Day. Both the message of Love and also the thought of being Friends with Jesus. To know Jesus is to love Jesus, and to also love one another. I recall the Confederate Railroad Song: "Mama and Jesus will always Love me." The refrain repeated the title and then followed up by stating the fact that "even when the devil took control." Yes, we do associate our Mother's love with the same type of forgiving love that Jesus has given us. Amazingly today we hear Jesus encouraging all who abide in his love to also love one another the same way. Motherhood is not a me first way of life. Often Moms put all others first, and willing to always take the leftovers. Today is a day that we celebrate the Moms in our lives and put them on a pedestal where they truly belong.


     I praise God for my Mother, and for each and every woman who has helped to Mother me through this journey. There are numerous ladies that I praise God for, who have loved, nurtured, encouraged, advised, disciplined, and enlightened me throughout my life's journey. To God be the Glory - Amen.
3:35 pm est

Monday, May 7, 2012

John 15: 1-8 Connections

It has been said that it is who you know and not what you know that is important. Having great connections can really make a difference in life. Personally, I love making connections with folks. First, you can become friends who find ways to assist each other through life. Second, Good connections often open the doors to being able to do things that other wise you would never be able to accomplish. Yes, who you know can truly make a difference in life.


     A few years ago one of my friends and his bride set out to tour around the United States. They had a lot of connections and made plans to stay in different peoples homes along the journey. Amazingly their connections had other connections that they shared and over a four week road trip my friends never stayed in a hotel/motel along the way. They literally visited around the country as they enjoyed their connections.


     Jesus talks about the "I AM" the Vine and you are the branches. We need to be connected to the Vine. When we are connected to Jesus we then have the (1) Power of God's (2) Presence with us. Understanding Jesus' parable of the Vine and Branches is a must to understand our need to allow God to transform us constantly into being able to produce the fruit of the Kingdom. This my brothers and Sister allow us to have (3) purpose in life. Everyone needs to be connected to the power and presence of God, which then allows us to find our own purpose at any given time and place.


     Perhaps you are right on track with God today. Glory Hallelujah Amen to those who are connected and living out their purpose here and now in the Kingdom of God. However, perhaps you are searching, praying for an understanding of who God needs you to be. Maybe today you are ready for some new adventure in your Spiritual life, yet are struggling to discern God's call upon you. I understand. As we become more chronologically advantaged we often find ourselves searching for a new niche in life. Pray your way through and promise God you will be obedient. But never be surprised that God takes you serious. Need to talk to Rev. Tac about your thoughts - then contact him by phone or email. He would love to share some time and thoughts with you. He thinks this is a part of his purpose. Amen.

4:20 pm est

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