hello from Rev. Tac

Tac-fully Thinking

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Monday, June 25, 2012

Monday, June 25th

Winterville UMC is truly blessed to have such wonderful people. Our Lay Leader, Mr. Wally Pressey certainly brings me a sense of peace. Thanks to Wally for Preaching during my absence yesterday. Several people indicated at Vacation Bible School last night that all went very well. I am aware that when given the opportunity that many of our folks here do their best - so I don't worry when I am gone.


Below is a copy & paste of today's UPWORDS from Max Luccado. This is one of my daily devotions and it usually resonates well with my soul. Hope the same is true for you.


"Some of us have postgraduate degrees from the University of Anxiety. We go to sleep worried that we won’t wake up. We wake up worried that we didn’t sleep. We worry that someone will discover that lettuce was fattening all along.  Wouldn’t you love to stop worrying? Could you use a strong shelter from life’s harsh elements? God offers you just that. The possibility of a worry-free life.  Not just less worry–but no worry.

Philippians 4:7 says “His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”


Worry is an option, not an assignment. Be quick to pray. Rather than worry about anything, Scripture says, “pray about everything.” Focus less on the problem ahead and more on the victories behind. In everything–let your requests be made known to God!


Do your part, and God will do his.

12:40 pm est

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

2 Cor. 5: 14-17 What makes a Dad?

Father's Day has a real purpose. This is one day to recognize our need to say thanks to our Dad, and /or praise God for all those who have given us Fatherly encouragement through-out our lives. Many of us have various experiences and somewhat different perceptions about what makes a dad.


Today we will look at Paul's writing in 2 Corinthians, where he simply states that WHEN ANYONE IS IN CHRIST THEY BECOME A NEW CREATION. Being in Christ allows us to be filled with God's love to where we are able to put others first and live our lives as examples to follow. We start with a precious thing called TIME. It is very important that we make time (quality time) to be with our Children. While it is extremely important that we work and provide, that does not replace the need children have to be physically nurtured by their Dad.


Second is the need to practice OPEN AFFECTION, where we tell our children that we love them and spend some time merely holding them. Hugs and kisses are vitally important as well as the assurance that you tell them how proud you are of them and how much you love them. They should not have to assume or merely just know it.


Third or last is being a ROLE MODEL. Jesus was the perfect role model for all Christians. When we are in Christ then God's Love and Spirit is evident within us. Throughout my life I have realized that most parents want their children to have life better that they did. One of the greatest gifts children can have is parents who stand tall, straight, and true. As children stand on the shoulders of their parents they receive a better view of life. So as parents we need to be superior role models for our children. Some statistics encourage this with the need for Dads to be active participants in church. They claim that children with Dads who frequently attend church that 72% will also be active in church. While Dads who fail to make time to be in church with their children the result is that only 15% remain in church. Being in Christ is a new creation and allows us to be the model that our children need. What a better way to give our children a better view of life by simply spending an hour a week with them in church.


What makes a Dad? Well make time, be openly affectionate, and a great role model for our children is a good start. However, being a new creation in Christ will assist us in making this happen.

Rev. Tac

1:35 pm est

Monday, June 11, 2012


For casting out demons they call him evil. While they recognized his power they didn't want to witness his divinity. Rather they accused him of blasphemy and began to work against him.  Jesus told them that a house divided would not stand. He came to bring all people together and bind them in the Love answer Spirit of God. But those denying the Holy Spirit of God's love were cutting themselves off from God's saving grace. We must have a relationship with God in order to receive forgiveness. When we cut ourselves off from God's saving grace the channel is broken.  Pray for those denying the Holy Spirit of God's love with passion, confidence and determination. It is up to us to witness the Love of God so that others will come to believe. Live your life so others will see God's love within you.

12:45 pm est

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Holy Trinity Sunday Flesh and Spirit John 3: 1~6
Nicodemus visits Jesus in the dark to ask about how to enter the Kingdom of God. Jesus shares that one must be born again by the Spirit of God. Flesh is flesh and Spirit is Spirit and we must be born of the Spirit to enter God's Kingdom. The Holy Spirit moves us to become moral agents of God's love. We are the hands and feet of God. By living spirit filled lives others come to see the joy of God's love in each of us. Jesus Christ is the full expression of God's love communicated to us through the Holy Spirit.
12:53 pm est

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