hello from Rev. Tac

Tac-fully Thinking

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Monday, August 27, 2012

Ephesians 6: 10-20 The Whole Armor Of God

Paul's analogy of the Roman Soldiers Battle Suit makes the perfect example for us to be able to recognize what we should all look like as Christians. Oh Yes, we would be the life to the party no doubt. Would we not? And making a fashion statement that would stand out and identify us in a crowd would be so easy. Today's unique ability to label things would probably call this Sturdy-O. At least we would feel safe at a rock fight.

For us the imagery might be a far stretch, however the qualities of truth, righteousness or justice, salvation, peace, faith and Spirit speak to us. Paul's message to the Ephesians is his final piece of this puzzle where he is attempting to network a community to uplift each other, while building up what we now call the Church.

Amazingly, his message to pray, and stay focused on God has not changed over time. We too must constantly be reminded of the importance of daily meditation. Nothing is more important than living our relationship with God. Knowing we are functioning at our best and in obedience to God is so fulfilling. Our lives can be much more at peace when we are striving to live in joyful obedience to God through our service to God through serving each other.

Hopefully, you are where you need to be in your relationships with God and each other. May God continue to love, bless, and sustain you each and every day of your life. My prayer is that  you will continue to live out a life that brings the truth, and love of Christ to everyone. Amen.

3:04 pm est

Monday, August 20, 2012

Ephesians 5:15-20 High On Jesus
Filled with the Holy Spirit or SPIRIT of God rather than the Spirits of over indulging on the fruit of the vine, or wine is Paul's concern. Beyond the problem of drunkenness he really is preaching to the Ephesians about making wise decisions. He says not unwise, but wise decisions are best for living a good life. Christians need to gain some deep understanding of this text.
First what does a wise person look like? Does it have some qualities of age, such as gray hair or no hair? Does experience within in itself make one wise? Is it possible for a young person to live wisely? So now what do you believe a wise person looks like? Obviously living life wisely does not create a certain look, rather it is the behavior. The way any individual walks their daily life can prove they are living live wisely.
Paul goes on to give us a list that shares some ways we can live wisely. He starts with speaking in Psalms, Singing, Making Music, Giving Thanks [and praise] and mutually submitting. This list is a beginning to daily living Spirit filled lives in accordance to God. Are you filled with the Spirit? Do others experience the joy and peace of Christ by simply being around you? Can you continue to be uplifting even when the chips are down? Being High on Jesus, living a Spirit filled life allows us to face life so much differently from anything else. No amount of money, things, or stuff can bring us this joy. So go now and live life likewise - amen?
2:34 pm est

Monday, August 13, 2012

Ephesians 4:25 - 5:2 Unfinished Business

Paul is working on holding the Church of Ephesus in Unity with accountability to each other as disciples of Jesus Christ. There are some very basic ideas that Paul is addressing here, which say there are a few problems with the Ephesians in their church. However, we know that here at Winterville UMC we don't need to worry for we don't have these kinds of situations.


There is a clear list where Paul addresses the need for everyone to tell the truth. More bluntly he is telling them to stop their lying. Next he moves on to tell them to not let anger make them sin. Anger managed well can give us the grit we need to git-er-done in certain situations. However don't open the door to where the Devil gets in and causes you to act out in a way as to embarrass and cost you later. He finishes this statement by reminding us all to never let the sun set on your anger. This is UNFINISHED business and there is no reason to go to sleep until you get it under control.


Next he addresses the problem of GOSSIP or evil talk about other individuals. Around here we would never do that, but we have been known to have a few prayer concerns at times. Use words that are filled with Grace, the love of God being spoken where others are built up - even when they don't' deserve it. This will make and keep the Holy Spirit of God happy and you as well. Happy, Happy, Happy, is a life filled with joy that seeks the opportunities to build others up.


Be kind, tender-hearted, forgiving others the way that Christ has forgiven you. Literally be imitators of Christ Jesus. Wesley shared three rules for living a Christ Like life: 1. Do No Harm, 2. Do Good, 3. Stay in Love with God. Take care of any unfinished business you have and get in love with God like never before. Reach out to others, reach in to your own self, and reach up to God. Build a team around you that will support and encourage each other in the up most way and the joy and peace of God will be alive within you always. Amen.

2:58 pm est

Monday, August 6, 2012

John 6:24-35 Food that Endures

     On the hills of the miraculous feeding of the five thousand we find Jesus moving about to and fro across the Sea of Galilee where they often used boats for transportation. Here the crowd chases down Jesus and begin to question him about the signs. He tells them they are following him because he filled their bellies, not because he is the Bread of Life, which God has sent down from Heaven to supply the World. 

      Some scribes then compare His work with that of Moses calling down Manna into the Wilderness and feeding the Hebrew nation for 40 years. Jesus sharply refutes them by telling them that it was God who sent down the food, not Moses. Again he told them that He is the One whom God has sent down and everyone who comes to Him shall never be Hungry, and everyone who believes in Him shall never thirst. Jesus is not speaking about physical needs, rather He is addressing our Spiritual desires. 

      When we come to and believe in Jesus as the One whom God has sent as a provision for the needs of our spiritual lives - then we will have an eternal relationship with God. For Jesus is the Bread of Life the Endures and shall never pass away. Will you come? Will you believe this Jesus who has paid all the debts for all our sins? This is an eternal decision and a decision that will transform your life for ever. Amen

10:21 am est

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