hello from Rev. Tac

Tac-fully Thinking

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

James 3:13-18 Born Of Wisdom

Fact is that when people have to tell you they are smart or wise, perhaps then we can see the handwriting on the wall. James looks at wisdom through the same lens as we continue to follow his teaching about being doers of the Word. Allow the true wisdom of being born from above been evident within the character of who you are. This is literally saying that Heavenly Wisdom dominates our lives to bring the ultimate peace, gentleness, and order. What James also says is the earthly wisdom is the contrary and brings to us chaos and disorder. In the means of bitter envy, selfish ambition, and personal gain is what the world teaches. We have heard this described as a dog eat dog kind of world. That is only true when we fail to live in a constant and present relationship with God. Through daily living out our obedience to God and seeking Wisdom from on high we will observe life completely different.

As a pastor I witness the fact that many people are their own worst enemy. There are some folks who fall into the trap that James describes as earthly wisdom. While I agree that competition makes us perform at our best, we must also understand that life itself is not a game. Games have set rules and anything that breaks a rule is not fair. However, since life does not follow a set of rules then we must so order our lives Born of Wisdom to live daily in obedience with God. Many legalistic Christians continue to set and live by some rigid set of rules. However, we know that Jesus merely encouraged us to first love God with all we have (heart, soul, mind, and strength) and to love others the way we love our selves. Jesus even called these the greatest commandments. He encouraged us with the example Born of Wisdom.

James starts the third chapter reminding us about our tongues and by the standard in which we should hold them and use them. After establishing a comparison of good and bad use of the tongue, then he quickly moves to Wisdom. Here he merely points out that others can see the Wisdom of God in the character of who we are and the way we live our lives. They do not need us to speak or to tell them how wise we are. Actually the more we speak the greater the chance we have of saying something that will prove the fact that we are less than wise. A wise person understands the need to seek God daily and order her/his life in joyful obedience to God's will. Absolutely nothing can bring us more satisfaction that wisely living out God's will for our lives.
Now - Go for God is calling us to do something very very _________________.
In Christ's Love,

1:06 pm est

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Jeremiah 29:4-7 Love Letters from God

Homecoming 2012, 153 years of continuing ministry from the faith community of Winterville (United) Methodist Church. A large applause to the worship team, kitchen team, music team, hospitality team, and all those who graciously pitched in to make light work of the day. What a wonderful family we have here at Winterville, I am so proud to be your pastor. To God be the glory, Amen.


Thanks to Rev. Dr. Joe Peabody, Sr. who accepted our invitation to come back home to Winterville. We're sorry his Bride, Mrs. Anne was not able to travel with him as she was truly missed. God blessed us with a message about Love Letters from God. 


With a series of letters Dr. Peabody shared a message with us about God's love for us and God's wanting us to prosper where we are planted. Make the most of life and the very situation that you are in. From Jeremiah we heard that those in Exile need to settle down, find love with all the neighbors, and work for peace with in the city.


Then in a second letter we hear Paul instructing the Church at Corinth (2 Cor.3:1) to come to the understanding that you yourself are a letter from God. Most of the folks we live, work, and play with on a daily basis are only hearing the sermon, which we live. The only Bible they read is the one they observe us living. Settle down, love your neighbor and live a life worthy of Christ. The great Mahatma Gandhi never became Christian or baptized because the actions of those proclaiming to be Christians never came close to what he understood from reading Jesus' Sermon on the Mount according to Matthew chapters 5, 6, and 7. Are we the letter God is intending for our neighbors to read? Do our actions truly proclaim love and peace for our neighbor?


A third letter was a letter that Paul wrote to Timothy (2 Tim. 2:15) where he was encouraging him to DO HIS BEST. Maybe God's love letter for you today is for you to DO YOUR BEST. Perhaps your expectations have been set entirely too high and unattainable. Good news, God only expects us to do our best. You do not have to compare with anyone else. You are not responsible for anyone else. What you need to know is God's love letters call us to settle down, fall in love, work for peace, preach the gospel everyday and use words only when necessary, and always do your best. You will have no regrets and live a joy filled life.

3:06 pm est

Monday, September 10, 2012

James 2: 1-17 The Royal Law

James brings it straight at his readers. What James says is exactly what James means, no less or no more, no reading between the lines. Today we first have to deal with a problem that he calls "Favoritism." Since we are not guilty of such let me explain what he means. Favoritism is when you judge people according to class or socio-economic status. Literally looking at folks on the outside, rather than looking at their hearts. Jesus displays acts of radical hospitality on several occasions. James calls all Christians to let God be the Judge. What we need to accomplish is an ability to treat everyone equally. The goal is to develop a Lens like God that allows us to see everyone the same. We know this is not an easy task. The ROYAL LAW that James mentions comes from Leviticus 19:18 "Love your neighbor as you love yourself." Jesus places this second to "Loving God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength."

Then James brings up the controversial recommendation of Faith and Works. Clearly in James fashion he states that Faith without works is dead. While he acknowledges that Grace is sufficient for salvation, but faith must be tied directly to works. John Wesley took this message to heart. Our Wesleyan doctrine does not separate them; rather it connects both faith and works. Wesley believed that once a person is Justified by Grace then the transformation in their heart draws them to being about the WORKS of God. Both Works of Mercy and Works of Piety are in direct connection with what Wesley called Works & Faith. Works of Mercy is God's love in action. Our systematic practice of loving our neighbors through our deeds and through living out our Christian identity. Works of Piety is our personal practices that enrich our personal Christian journey. Such things as what I call God Time or daily meditation, prayer, devotional and Biblical studies.

As Methodists we realize that our social holiness and social ministries are compatible with the teachings of James. Go and practice radical hospitality to all you see and hear in need. Amen.

2:48 pm est

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

James 1: 17-27 Doers Of The Word

James don't mess around. While he is not Larry The Cable Guy, he does believe that we Christians should get things done. He especially believes that we should be aggressive toward taking care of [Children] Orphans and Widows. Although I did not focus on the topic in Sunday's Sermon this is where James' teachings lead those who study and take heart the message. He says, "Be Quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger." Around this premise we will find out over the next few weeks as we learn more about the Epistle of James. Look - there are only five chapters to this book, so go ahead and read it all. Read it several times over, because it is core to our Wesleyan doctrine of Social Ministry.

You may not realize yet, but we no longer have any Orphanages. Calling a Children’s Home/Center an Orphanage does not make those children Orphans. There is something incredibly different, yet they too are a part of our responsibility. Amen? Being doers of the Word also requires us to know what the Word is. Our mission statement here at Winterville United Methodist says, "Making Disciples for Christ by loving God and loving Others." Come with me and say yes to being a doer of the Word. Say yes to God's call on your life as you live out your ministry each and every day.
And for those who were here last Sunday - Go and Be Beautiful, for you are the hands and feet of God. For those who were too busy to come to church, well God made you beautiful too. Amen.
Sermon for Sept. 9   The Royal Law – James 2:1-17

2:45 pm est

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