hello from Rev. Tac

Tac-fully Thinking

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Monday, October 22, 2012

Mark 10:35-45 R U Able

Sons of Thunder, Zebedee's Boys, James & John are requesting to sit at Jesus’ right and left in Glory. While Jesus explains that positions on the cabinet are for those who its been prepared for and not Jesus’ decision. However they are willing to drink the cup and accept the baptism of Jesus. They later prove their willingness to be able accept the challenge of being in service to Christ.

Actually, most of the original disciples became martyrs for the faith. Yes they were able and so are we. Fortunately it is extremely rare for any of us to be called to that level of commitment. Jesus goes on with the other ten disciples explaining his paradox of the great reversal where the last will be first. This time he proclaims the greatest of all will be servant of all. Unlike the world we find the Kingdom being where those who wish to become great are those who are willing to serve.

To serve in the Kingdom simply means doing what you are able. Occasionally we are challenged to expand our service and we must trust God to encourage us to risk doing new things. Growing in the Kingdom means expanding our abilities to serve in new areas. R U Able? with the power of the Holy Spirit we are. Absolutely nothing is impossible with God.

3:09 pm est

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

James 5: 13-20 Accountability
Prayer and Praise are the main topics for today as we end the Epistle of James. Certainly we can say that James calls us to action. Even the arm chair Christians can pray and praise God. No one is excused from being active and obviously James has high expectations that each of us will respond to God's call upon our lives. As we become more chronologically advantaged our experience of life assists us in understanding the need to pray and praise God continually. Occasionally our ministries give us the opportunities to reach out and share the love of God with others. James reminds us that some will wander away from the truth and it is our responsibility to go and bring them back so they will not be lost.

Most of us know someone or maybe several folks who have strayed away from the flock. We are held accountable to go out and encourage them to turn back to God, returning to the life of living God's will for them. Many are waiting our invitation and we are accountable to make the initial contact. One of the hardest things anyone will ever do is to reenter the fold. Although we understand that the folks love and care about us it is really hard to walk back in from an extended absence. Knowing this should encourage us to understand that we are accountable to those who have wandered away. Make time and extend an invitation to those you know are already missing. James calls us to action. Prayer, praise, healing, and restoring our brothers and sisters into a lifelong spiritual journey. Go and share the light of God's love. Amen.

1:30 pm est

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