hello from Rev. Tac

Tac-fully Thinking

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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Plan To Do Your Best and Work Your Plan

Rev. Dr. Jamie Jenkins wrote that “Someone once described me [Jamie] as a “realistic optimist.” I am not exactly sure what that means and even if I did I am not sure it is correct. I do try to deal with reality as I perceive it, celebrate the current circumstances where I can, and do what I can do to create a more positive reality.” Often I find myself resonating with the words of Dr. Jenkins. For those of us who know him, well he certainly prefers we use his given name, Jamie. In a recent writing he left me pondering the thought of being a “‘realistic optimist.’” Yeah, me too, I think. Yet, perhaps I need to come to a better understanding of the said term – realistic optimist. Over all I think we must always plan to do our best and work our plan. Although situations change, we must do our best to make the most out of everything. This might sometimes even challenge us to back off. By now most of you have come to realize that I do not back off easy and rarely do I ever quit. Now that many of you have partnered with me, we have a team that is practically unstoppable. Can I get an Amen? To God be the glory.

However, we are now at a point to where we make some realistic plans to lead us to achieving God’s goals. Where does God want us to be? What does God need us to be? How can we all work together for good, toward the purpose God has called us to? By nature I am always trying to improve. Being optimistic leads me to believe that is possible. From a realistic point of view we understand that becoming a great church and maintaining such a status requires strategic planning and hard work. Yeah! This can all be fun. First, when we are accomplishing the task which God has called us to then we’re certainly living out some purpose filled lives. Second, all our efforts are truly bringing glory to God as we continue to build the Kingdom. Third, God has brought so many wonderfully talented brothers and sisters into this faith community that with the Spirit of God there is nothing that God needs us to be or do that we cannot succeed. Now my friends, you know some realistic, optimistic, truth. Do not hesitate. Step up. Get on board with the team of Winterville United Methodist Church. We have seats for everyone. This year my brothers and sister may very well be the greatest yet. You do not want to miss your chance, so don’t sit back and watch from a distance. God’s Kingdom is not a spectator sport. Again – let us plan to do our best and work the plan. Anyone got a slogan for 2013? To God be the Glory – Amen.
Rev. Tac Coley

10:19 am est

Monday, December 17, 2012

Matthew 1: 21- 25 Choosing A Name

Matthew shares the words of Isaiah in the naming of the virgin's Son, to be Immanuel, which means God Is With Us. The angel instructs Joseph to name the child Jesus, for he will save God's people from their sins. There is deep meaning within the name given to the child. Overall Matthew wants us to understand that Christmas is the celebration of God coming to be with us. John starts his gospel with the message the "Word became flesh and dwelled among us." The claim is that God came to be with us in the flesh. This allows us (through the reading of the Gospels) to understand a new and different God than of the Old Testament's perception.

Rather than a God of Wrath to be feared, we now find a God of Love and peace to be received, as well as to share. Our task is not only to receive the Holy Spirit of God, but to also share throughout the way we live our daily lives. In the meaning of Emmanuel, "God is with us," I include the word ALWAYS. It is true and Jesus made the claim that the Advocate, or the Holy Spirit of God would come to be with us. This acknowledgement of the presence of the Holy Spirit of God is always with us. The awesome presence of God's Spirit or Omnipresent is a wonderful understanding of how God can and is with everyone, in everyplace, at every time. Emmanuel is God with us.

3:14 pm est

Monday, December 10, 2012

Matthew 1:18-25 A Righteous Man

Joseph according to Matthew was a righteous man. I question what makes a person righteous? With Joseph we know that after having found Mary pregnant he decided rather than expose her to public disgrace, he would dismiss her quietly. This would literally give her mercy, when she was actually guilty by law to have been stoned to death. The betrothal was an engagement, which required one year of preparing for the wedding. There was to be absolutely no physical relationship between the bride and groom. Any female who was caught in infidelity would be punished by death.

Reading between the lines we see that Joseph devised a plan to cast the blame upon himself, save Mary's life, and maybe eventually take her to be his wife. Obviously he did not believe Mary about the Holy conception, until in a dream he too was told by An Angle of the Lord. Well the rest is history now. We know that Joseph was obedient and did everything that God entrusted him to do. What a privilege to adopt the Son of God and rear him to be the Savior of the World. Yes, Matthew hit the nail on the head - Joseph was a righteous man. Quietly, smoothly, humbly without wavering we watch and witness Joseph raising up the very Son of God.

3:21 pm est

Monday, December 3, 2012

Luke 1:26-38 The Magnificent -- Mary's Story

Mary's Story is where we start looking at the Greatest Story ever told. Christmas is first a story about God's love for all humankind. We should gain understanding about God's willingness for the Word to become Flesh and dwell among us (John 1). Yet before that is the Christmas story, which starts with the God sending the Angel Gabriel to Mary. Angels are messengers. The message Mary receives is startling, scary, risky, and outstanding. Like absolutely no one else Mary finds herself making a decision that changes the World forever. God has found favor with her, offering her the opportunity to birth God's Son, and name him Jesus.


Not without question, yet Mary said, "Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word." Over and over, year after year we celebrate Christmas. We treasure the story and honor Mary as the mother of Jesus. However, when we really ponder deep we begin to recognize how much risk she took to be obedient to God's request. We too often are challenged to follow God's call upon our own lives. What makes the story Magnificent is the fact that she accepted the choice. Where are we in our lives? Are we willing to listen and respond to the request God has for each of us? My prayer is that we find in this NEW YEAR our hearts open and willing to serve God in every opportunity presented to us. Amen.

2:42 pm est

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