hello from Rev. Tac

Tac-fully Thinking

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Monday, January 28, 2013

Luke 4:14 - 21 Jubilee

Epiphany is the season between Christmas and Lent. This is a time where do a little examination in search of finding out that we MANIFEST the Christ - the love of God. Is it obvious that others can detect God's love by the way we live our lives. Epiphany is all about being like Jesus of the Gospels.

Today our text takes us to the Synagogue at Nazareth. This is where Jesus grew up. Now we find him having begun his ministry. A lot of excitement about him is already making it back home. As he enters the Synagogue the attendant hands him the scroll of Isaiah. He finds the place where the Prophet proclaims that "the Spirit of God is upon him, anointed him to preach the Good News to the poor. To release the prisoners, to give recovery of sight to the blind, to liberate the oppressed and to proclaim that this is the year of the Lord's Favor." Next Jesus takes his seat as any Rabbi should do. Then he says, "Today this is fulfilled within your hearing." Both Jesus and Isaiah make first person claims about their ministry. Some seven-hundred years between them and they are proclaiming the same thing. Now, Today, a couple thousand years later, we too must make the claim that this is the Year Of The Lord's Favor - JUBILEE. Not that it is a fifty year, rather a year for celebration. A year to make claim that we have set our GOALS to be who God is truly calling us to be. We at least are determined to be our best - so help us God. Amen?
However it is not without expecting some negativism. Surely when things are going this well, one must prepare for the evil forces to show up. That is good, because we know when doing God's work that the Devil cannot rest. I once read a story about a circus performer who worked in a locked cage with live Tigers. The trainer repeated this show day after day with complete control of the tigers. One night during the show a loud pop occurred just as the lights went out. Without a warning the trainer was locked in a cage with live tigers. Unlike the tigers the trainer did not have night vision. He knew they could see him. He also knew that they did not realize that he could not see them, so he continued to crack his whip and talk to the tigers as always. While he had not expected the temporary darkness, he reacted with intelligence and confidence.
We too can expect a little surprise of darkness in our lives. However, when we know that the Spirit of God is upon us, anointing us to share the Good News, then we too should not worry. Each of us have set some goals to obtain in our Spiritual Lives this year. Most groups within the faith community have also determined their goals as well or will soon submit them to our calendar. Last year was a very great year, that is what we planned for, and we celebrate. Yet at the same time we also are setting our goals on yet a better year. We know this is possible with God's presence and Spirit working within our midst. Stand up and begin to live out your goals for you are anointed with the Love and Holy Spirit of God. Go ahead, get up and do what God is calling you to do. "Together all things work for good for those who love the Lord and are called according to God's purpose" (Romans 8:28).

To God Be the Glory
Amen & Amen.

2:34 pm est

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

John 2:1-11 THE WEDDING

Every wedding is different, yet each one requires some planning. While most begin with the intentions to be "small and simple," they typically grow like a fungus. Eventually most of us Dads become completely overwhelmed with all the details. We are ready to write the check, merely to get it over with. However, this is a high moment in the lives of individuals. A lot of time, planning, and thought should be put into the celebration.

It was no different for folks in Jesus' time. Although while our celebration last only a few hours, theirs sometimes went for as much as seven days. Wow, that's a wedding party. No wonder the wedding at Cana ran out of wine. Lucky for them Mary was there to push her boy, Jesus into revealing his power, which saved the day. This is considered his first public miracle. I wonder how many Mary had witnessed around the house? Would be mighty handy should you run out of something and the store was closed. Don't you think? Truth is only the servants and disciples realized what had actually happened there that day. The entire community was there, but no announcement was made to reveal the awesome transforming power that Jesus truly revealed.

 All through his journey it was often the case that those who served and followed were the ones to receive the revelation of Jesus being the Christ. Over and over we witness Jesus being the one who transformed the ordinary into the extraordinary. Simply water turn to wine is not much different from the common fishermen becoming his disciples. Our very lives can be transformed the same way when we allow the love of God to be the center of who we are. Make a daily attempt to put God first in each decision. Soon you'll find your ability to do extraordinary things a common task. God loves each of us and wants the very best, both for us and from us. Amen? Amen.

10:12 am est

Monday, January 14, 2013

Luke 3:15-22 Receive The Holy Spirit
Wow! The Holy Spirit fired me up as we discussed the fact that we are God's children. Baptism is our initiation into the family of God. So once we are in God's family, only God could throw us out. Since God accepted us first with God's love, we never ever have to worry about God not loving us. Romans 8:38 tells us basically that we cannot make God not love us. We cannot change God's love for us. Before we ever knew God's love was drawing us, nudging us to accept God's love for us. Baptism is a sacrament. It is an outward and visible sign of the inward and spiritual grace of God. We are initiated through the love of God's Holy Spirit as children of God. So repent daily by turning your life toward God, finding The light of God's love and reflecting into the very world where you live - here and now. You will find life more heavenly than ever before. Amen. 
4:17 pm est

Monday, January 7, 2013

A New Way Matthew 2:1-12

Those Wise men finally arrive in the Christmas story. They bring their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to present to the new born King of the Jews. There and then they have an Epiphany as they turn their eyes upon Jesus. They realize King Herod represents the worldly power, while Jesus is the very Expression of God's Love for all people. This realization leads those Wise men home in a new way.

The Epiphany of recruitment is often simplified as random acts of kindness. I prefer recognizing it as "Jesus Sightings." When we begin to see the love of God at work in our world, the next step is recognizing the opportunities given us to share God's love. Often times daily, many of us can make a difference in the lives of others by offering simple assistance, encouragement, and inspiration to others. Some call this paying it forward, while I exclaim it to be Jesus Sightings.

Read the Gospels looking for the Real Jesus. Find out what it means to do what Jesus would do. Remember only a small portion is collected in the writings, yet we get a very clear observation of the character of Jesus. Perhaps your appetite has been wetted and your yearn to learn more about Jesus Sightings - so challenge me to teach you more about A New Way to live life. May I help you please?

5:52 pm est

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