hello from Rev. Tac

Tac-fully Thinking

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Monday, February 18, 2013

From the waters of the Jordan at Jesus' Baptism we find the fulfilling of the Holy Spirit leading him into the wilderness for a time of temptations. Challenged by many of the things that we often fall captive to, we quickly observe Jesus overcoming these hurdles. Eventually the Devil leaves until a more opportune time. It seems to me that Jesus was extremely vulnerable, yet able to overcome the challenge.

Lent is a forty day period each year where we too take deep inward observations of ourselves for the purpose of identifying the things that separate us from being obedient to God. J. Ellsworth Kalas describes sin as a mere thread like a spider web, which when not attended can become woven into a rope. Our task during Lent is to remove those tiny threads where we are weak, allowing the unconditional love of God to be seen in each of us. As God's tools we are the hands and feet of God for the world to come to see the good news of God's grace. Gaining an understanding of our weaknesses allows us to overcome the daily challenges to fall to temptation. Yes, we all have some weak places which restrain us from being all God is calling us to be.

We should never become discouraged. At our absolute best we are merely human. Unfortunately we are not yet made perfect. However, Grace is sufficient. God's forgiveness and unconditional love for us keeps wooing us, calling us, and encouraging us to be the best that we can be. Some days we do better than others. My desire is to do better today than yesterday, and when I fail I remember God's grace is sufficient. Let us all be tempting each other by encouraging each other with examples of God's unconditional love. Amen.
5:44 pm est

Thanks for the great questions about our Stop Hunger Now Project. This is a new goal we have for our Sub-District United Methodist Churches. The sub-district is Winterville UMC along with all the UM Churches of both Madison and Oglethorpe Counties. There are seven pastors and eleven churches involved. We pastors have decided to work together on this project during Lent.

Our thoughts are to adopt some plan to raise funds to purchase the resources to pack at least ten-thousand meals, which cost us twenty-five cents each. They are non-perishable beans and rice meals that are dry packed to be distributed where needed around the world. Some ideas have been to donate a meal or a quarter for each meal we eat. Say a dollar a day during Lent or a total of Forty bucks per person. Do the math and become amazed. Winterville has an average worship attendance of 120 people now, which would raise $4,800 with 100% participation. Figure only half of that and we would almost meet the needed $2,500 for a minimum project. You know me better than to believe we will only do good. That's right I know we will do GREAT.

On April 7, 2013, at Jones Chapel UMC in Danielsville, GA from 6:00-8:00 p.m. we will worship with combined choirs, Dr. Gary Whetstone, District Superintendent preaching, and then compile our project offerings.

On Saturday May 4th, 10:00 – 2:00 p.m. we gather again at Jones Chapel UMC to pack the meals. A little can go along way when we all work together - amen.
5:43 pm est

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Transfiguration Sunday Luke 9:28-38 SEEING GOD'S GLORY
Occasionally we have a mountain top experience. A real high exhilarating moment in our life. Here in the sacred world we acknowledge these HIGH moments as being SPIRITUAL. One of the greatest is when we come to understand that God loves us and has provided grace for us. Wesley called this Justification by Grace. A lot of folks simply call it being saved. Yes it truly is not only a spiritually high moment, but also one that remains in our memory. However, not everyone has a particular single event moment where they come to realize that Grace is for them too. Some folks who grow up in spirit filled homes and environments often gradually come to understand this over time, rather than all at once. The Ah Ha moment of the revelation of God's grace is sometimes called "The Damascus Road Experience." This refers to the Apostle Paul who was struck down blinded by a great light as God questioned him about persecuting those who were following Christ. That story is in Acts 9, which eventually finds one of the little ones (Ananias) attending to Saul who becomes Paul after the experience. Saul is transformed to Paul and the rest is history.

We end the season of Epiphany with the Mountain Top Transformation of Jesus. Next we launch into the Season of Lent. Forty days minus the Sundays we begin our journey toward and through the Cross of Christ. This is probably the most personal of all the seasons. While we encourage each other through Lent, it is up to us to endure our own adventure. Here is a time where we can let go of any and all things that are holding us back from fulfilling God's call upon our lives. Hopefully we come out of our tombs on Easter, ready, prepared, and transformed to share the Love of God.

I'll see you Wednesday night as we receive the Imposition of Ashes - a sign of the cross on our foreheads. Several people are inquisitive about the Christian Year. This is great, so please seek and find understanding. Call on me at anytime and together we'll gain both knowledge and understanding. Your questions will only make me more aware and better prepared to help explain things, so everyone can come to know. Amen? Amen.
11:38 am est

Monday, February 4, 2013

Welcome at Home Luke 4:21-30

My prayer is that all of us experience the welcomeness of being God's children. These are exciting times now at Winterville United Methodist Church, where we have become the outwardly, extraverted family of God who welcomes and invited others into God's House. Living a RETHINK CHURCH begins with accepting God's ability to CHANGE who we are. While we can recognize the face in the mirror, it remains extremely difficult to see our own selves. We are someone dependent on what others are saying about us. Although I don't mind being talked about, it is always better when nice things are being spoken.

Jesus experienced something at the Synagogue of Nazareth that I struggle to identify with - rejection. Although I realize there must always be a little negative coming forth, I have never been driven out. Sure you cannot please all the people all the time, nor do I try. Yet when we are allowing God to lead us where God needs us to be, then we fully see the Glory of God at work. As long as we remained focused on the positive works of God, the negatives of Satan only make us more assure we are doing God's work. Satan would not be concerned when we're not following God.

Jesus was very clear that prophets are best heard off from home. He gave examples about Elijah and Elisha that enraged the people against him. The proof is in the pudding, and sometimes it really hurts. Their attempt to finish Jesus off failed, as he miraculously passed through the crowd, going on his way. We too must be willing to oppose the negatives by being focused on the positive works of God. Remember, when you feel opposed by the rejection Of Satan's lure then you must be about following God. No one can serve two Masters. Which do you choose?

C U at Church - amen.

4:16 pm est

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