hello from Rev. Tac

Tac-fully Thinking

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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A Pedi John 12:1-8

I know that John is always working at assuring us that Jesus is the Divine Nature of God, as well as the human whom we've come to know. Although John's gospel is written on the heels of or later than the other three, it still carries its own weight. John is the odd ball and occasional repositions things at different times. In today’s lesson on Mary anointing the feet of Jesus with a pound of nard, join us in remembering the fragrance, which filled the house. That statement is a clue as to how extraordinary the gift as well as the Intentional Act of True Devotion was by the giver. The gospel writer slips in a punch for Judas, only to make sure we are aware of the negative motives of the character. A literary genius who writes as to say, but wait you will see what is coming. Of course he could do this because he is at least thirty years beyond what he is writing about.

We too have some memories of certain fragrances, odors, and smells. Certain places have unique fragrances as do some people. Our memories help to collect a literal smorgasbord of people, places, and things. Many are stimulated by our senses, which bring a certain peculiarity and uniqueness. We probably also have a collection of some of the greatest gifts we've ever received. While some could be very timely needed, others might show extravagant gratitude. The giver's heart sometimes comes along with the gift. For example there is a tiny knit circle in a frame behind my desk, which a few people have noticed. Its real value is quite small, while the gesture of the gift is enormous. The giver needed to share something with me, so she made me this keepsake. While I care not to depart from it, yet it has only a reminder for me of why I have it. I'm sure you too have some like that, perhaps displayed on your fridge.

Mary shows extravagant generosity by the gift she bought. While she could have simply handed Jesus the ointment, she went to great measures to display her devotion to the one who had saved her brother's life. While Jesus explains she is attempting to prepare him for burial, she does everything she can to seize the opportunity. We too have some awesome opportunities to intentionally act out our true devotion to God. However we find it sometimes a challenge to give in to the temptation of being about our own thing(s). Lent helps us to examine close so that we might recognize, understand and remove the things unneeded from our lives. God has given us the best with no possible way to repay. Grace is an unmerited gift. Yet we do have daily opportunities to share the good news of God's love with others. Mary humbly anoints Jesus' feet with a perfume that fills the entire house. May God encourage us to always meet the needs where and when possible. Amen.

9:29 am est

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