hello from Rev. Tac

Tac-fully Thinking

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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

John 13:34-35 Love To Death
      "I give you a new commandment, that you should love one another, as I have loved you. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, when you have love for one another" (NRSV). 

    Clearly, John brings out the very basic we need to know about the Spirit of GOD'S love. John tells us the simple truth. Through Jesus we know the Logos; the very Word of God became flesh and dwelled among us. Then Jesus loved us to death. Literally we BELIVE Jesus loved us to the cross. We celebrate that it came through the cross and Christ is present with us today. 

    As disciples of Christ we merely are commanded to love one another as Christ loves us. Easier said than done. Remember it is our actions that are judged, not our intentions. Even a hardboiled egg has a heart of gold. Throughout life we must continue to chip away all the things in our lives that do not reflect the love of Christ. Our actions truly do speak much louder than any words we could ever say. 

    Listen: it's a commandment not a suggestion, nor a rule or law. John recalls Jesus telling us to love one another as he has loved us. He loved us to death. 
10:11 am est

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

John 10:22-30 The Lord's Grip

       John 10 is the SHEPHERD chapter. Basically the theme of shepherd and/or sheep is a common analogy throughout all of Scripture. Our computer tells us there are greater than 500 occurrences of sheep/or/shepherd. Practically one of the more common things of their time. Wonder what could be used today? Well maybe I did it by speaking of the Electronic world that now keeps many of us so connected.

     John has a twist here in the 10th chapter as Jesus is questioned about being the Messiah. Yet, his answer reverts back to the chapter's theme as he explains that he is the Shepherd and his sheep know his voice and follow him. Not only does he explain those who have seen and don't believe, but also the privilege of being his sheep gives both eternal life as well as constant protection. He says, "no one can snatch you out of his hand, or the Father's hand, because He and the Father are one." This means absolutely nothing to those who do not believe.

     Post Easter or Eastertide is where we are in the Christian year. We are moving toward the festival of Pentecost. The receiving of the Advocate, the Holy Spirit of God. Our claim is that we believe Christ is risen. Our Wesleyan heritage teaches us that we believe that Christ is present with us - here and now. We are not living in either the past or in the future. We are now the Body of Christ for the World in which we live. John Wesley taught this hundreds of years ago. Today we continue this belief. This makes the United Methodist Church doctrine quite different from many others. I believe it is imperative that we not only believe Christ is risen, but that we should continue to gain a deeper understanding of what it means for Christ to be present with us. For the World depends upon us to reflect the light of Christ into the darkness. Go with the confidence of God's Sheep that no one or nothing can snatch you out of the Grip of God's Grace. God loves you, even though God knows you. Amen? Amen!

9:36 am est

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Most Awesome Church Family, you are the greatest.
God is truly blessing us through this wonderful opportunity to share a time in ministry together. As you know my favorite Bible verse is Romans 8:28, "All things work together for good for those who love the Lord and are called according to God's purpose." The loving Spirit of God has brought a unity into this local church making it the Faith Community God needs it to be. Sunday April 7, 2013 is a day I will always remember. The memories that were shared through the spoken words, selected scriptures, and cherished hymns are forever deeply edged into my heart and mind.

Thanks to Kathey Williamson and the worship team for a well planned tribute. And to our Lay Leader, Ann Pressey who led the worship, you did it with flare, grace, and sincere reverence. To each participate, every brother and sister in Christ I give you thanks for the words of appreciation. Last, to my loving Bride, I praise God for you and the opportunities that we share together in ministry.

To God Be the Glory, Amen.
In Christ love & mine,
Rev. Tac Coley
8:00 am est

Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Easter
Happy Easter 
He Is Risen, 
He Is Risen Indeed. 
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! 

Praise God for all those who have finished their course in faith and now rest from their labors. Yes, the promise of a risen Lord and Life eternally for all who believe makes Easter the greatest celebration. Easter allows us to reflect 
on the fact that the grave cannot hold back the Spirit, nor those precious memories of our Loved ones. Many of us have visited the cemetery, as a place of reverence. However the memories of those unique and special people live on in 
our hearts and minds. The promise that Christ has overcome both sin and death lead us on through our years, unafraid to face tomorrow. To believe this promise is to celebrate Easter. 
We also celebrate New Life in Christ, for those who came forth yesterday to be baptized and/or to dedicate their life. We also praise God for leading Sisters and Brothers into our midst. We especially praise God for the children 
who were presented and initiated into the Family of God through both the Waters and The Spirit of Baptism. 
To God Be The Glory, 
1:42 pm est

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