hello from Rev. Tac

Tac-fully Thinking

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Wednesday, May 8, 2013


A Sunday dedicated for the purpose of inviting Friends, Relatives, Associates, Neighbors, and Kids (FRANK). Several of you did very well and we were blessed with GUESTS. As we gathered not only for worship and communion, but also for some table time. The opportunity to greet and meet brothers and sisters in the name of Christ is always awesome. Let me express my gratitude to our worship team, choir, hostess team, and to each of you who took seriously the chance to invite FRANK. The day was good, but not great. While there were several guests with us and I praise God for that, there were some of our regular attendees MIA. Yes it was a yucky day. Cold and rainy, a challenge to overcome, yet many of us did that. To God be the glory. However any day doing the Lord's work is a great day. The bottom line is that when we don't plan to attend it is an automatic give away that we will not extend an invitation to FRANK.

Let's see - on a scale of ten, we were at least a five, or our glass was half full. Several of us really do want to extend invitations for others to come and experience the Spirit of God. This event makes it so simple and easy for us. My prayer is that in the days to come, we will all catch the Fire of Pentecost and spread the Good News of GOD'S LOVE into the world where we live each day. 
In Christ's Love & Service 
Rev. Tac Coley    

8:52 am est

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